
Photography Blog

Welcome to Mike Lister Photography, where love stories come alive. Our blog offers expert wedding planning tips, downloadable fact sheets, and captivating stories of the weddings we’ve photographed. With a blend of artistry and authenticity, Mike captures the essence of each celebration, preserving precious moments and heartfelt exchanges.

Beyond stunning imagery, our blog guides you through the wedding planning process, from choosing venues to managing budgets. Join us as we celebrate the beauty of love and provide invaluable insights for your picture-perfect wedding day. Let Mike Lister Photography be your trusted companion on this enchanting journey.

UK Wedding Traditions for Brides

UK Wedding Traditions for Brides

We have put together a series of useful handouts that will help you plan your wedding from getting engaged to a list of things you may not have considered to do after the wedding. You’re Engaged, now what? Below we have put together a few tips for you to help...
Groom’s Speech – Do’s and Don’ts

Groom’s Speech – Do’s and Don’ts

We have put together a series of useful handouts that will help you plan your wedding from getting engaged to a list of things you may not have considered to do after the wedding. Writing a Groom’s Speech – Do’s and Don’ts The Grooms speech is...
Who to invite to the Wedding?

Who to invite to the Wedding?

We have put together a series of useful handouts that will help you plan your wedding from getting engaged to a list of things you may not have considered to do after the wedding. Who to Invite to your wedding? Hi, Mike here and today we are continuing the wedding...