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Changing your name after marriage in the UK

Mike got married in Feburary 2019 and we quizzed his wife who has the first-hand experience in everything you need to know about changing your name from experience. We have put together a useful guide to save you money where you don’t need to pay to change your name.

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Blog Devon Wedding Photography Changing Your Name After Marriage Facts

The Myth

Googling how to change your name usually results in a depol website or other third parties that offer to change your name for you for a tidy sum. This isn’t usually required and from our experience, we only needed to pay for one change. 

We requested two copies of our marriage certificate when we got married which came in very handy.  


Changing your name can quickly become one of the most confusing things about the whole process of getting married, and staring at the paperwork can quickly take the romance out of the situation. Luckily though, it’s not that difficult when you know how. The marriage certificate is the key document you need. It’s often enough just to show it, or submit a scanned in copy, to have your name amended on the various bits and pieces you need. It will also be free (with the exception of your new passport).


HMRC will need an original version of your marriage certificate as proof of your new name. More info on gov.uk website

Credit Card Companies

You will need to be issued a new card with your married name, then any future bills and statements can be addressed to the correct title.

Pension Providers

They will also need an original version of your marriage certificate.

Passport Office

You need to send the original marriage certificate so you can get a passport with your new name. More Info on the gov.uk website

The Bank

Your bank will also need an original of the certificate for proof.


Tell your manager or HR department your new name and they can update their records.

Local Authority

You need to send a copy of your certificate and a cover letter explaining your recent marriage and change of name.

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